Information Technology

Enterprise Application Integration

About the Customer


Centena Group – winner of Dubai SME100 Award Headquartered in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, the Group delivers world-class business solutions for maritime, industrial applications, laboratory automation, life sciences applications, security and industrial applications, system integration.

Problem Statement

  • Centena group wanted to track job sheets that are filled by the engineering team. Based on a job requirement, a job id was generated in CRM and it was assigned to an engineer for a site visit.
  • In the earlier process, a paper-based document was filled by engineers on every site visit and updates were sent back to the managers. This sheet contained materials consumed, time taken for fixing the issue, problem statement, and solution.
  • The engineer used to get the acknowledgement from the customer after completion of work.
  • For multiple visits to solve a problem, separate sheets were filled and submitted.
  • The CRM and ERP used to get updated based on the approved paper documents.
  • Engineer’s incentive, material consumptions were manually entered into CRM and ERP

Solutions Delivered

  • Desktop Application: NET-based WPF application will be developed for Job card entry and engineer view. This application will have local storage of data during engineer visits to workplace. This application allows engineers to upload the document, capture timesheet, and customer feedback. Later the application allows the engineer to sync the data to middleware application
  • Web Application: ASP.NET based web application will be developed for handing approval of timesheet, job work data by managers. This will be an intranet-based application hosted in the middleware server.
  • Stored Procedures/ API: For data transfer between ERP and middleware application
  • Tools & Technologies used: WPF, Dot Net, HTML, CSS, Oracle, Maximiser, Orion.
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