Aviation Industry Solutions

Taking part in the digitalization of the aviation industry and helping them to embrace a modern business experience with innovation and technology.  

Aviation Industry: The Ever Challenging Sector

Aviation industry confronts plenty of challenges and it need advanced digital solutions to address it. ZiniosEdge is helping the industry by developing sophisticated aviation solutions with modern tech-stacks such as AI, ML, AR, VR, Digital Twin, cloud and much more. Our digital aviation solutions are enabling aviation service providers to modernize promptly and attend to the growing business demands. Setting sky as the limit to innovate, we help them to fly to new heights innovatively.


Aviation Solutions

Digital Solutions For Aviation Industry

To overcome the prevailing issues, ZiniosEdge has been building Holo Lens-based training solution for crew. These solutions are useful in MRO as well so as to avoid massive costs incurred if not taken care of at the right time. Also we are helping aviation companies to explore the unending benefits if cloud by smoothly migrating their infra to cloud environments. 

Aviation Solutions
IoT Application Development
Flight Examination

With the eminent VR technology, we train the ground crew properly and ensure they are prepared for any ensuing unwanted circumstances.

ZiniosEdge Product Engineering
Cabin Crew Training

VR helps in ensure the staff is well-prepared for facing any high-risk situations such as hijacking or a threatened crash.

ZiniosEdge Product Engineering
Aircraft Maintenance

VR helps to train the mechanics to repair aircraft engines and practice on any aircraft model and study any detail along with improving their skills.

Impact Of AR/VR In Aviation Industry

The immersive technology AR and VR help in saving the cost and time for training engineers to work with specific engine types and models significantly. Virtual reality eases the entire training process to become faster and cost-effective.

Virtual reality also makes training available at any place and time with an impression to be working on the equipment hence making the equipment available for the staff is also not required as VR suffices the purpose.

Transform Your Business Journey with Advanced Aviation Solutions

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